My Handicap
Why is my Handicap Index different on the new My Scottish Golf App?
We are aware that there may be small discrepancies in your Handicap Index in the new platform. This is down to very small differences in how the providers have coded their WHS calculator and changes to course ratings/slope ratings over the last 2 ...
What are General Play scores?
One of the major changes introduced with the new World Handicap System (WHS) is the option to submit scores under General Play. Under WHS you can submit General Play scores to count towards your Handicap Index at any time over a measured course using ...
What are the Soft and Hard Cap and how are they used?
A player’s Low Handicap Index is remembered within the handicap formula – this is the lowest Handicap Index they have held within the last 12 months. The Low Handicap Index provides a reference point against which the current Handicap Index can be ...
What is a Playing Conditions Calculation (PCC)?
At the end of each day, a playing conditions calculation (PCC) takes place automatically, behind the scenes, to determine if scores made at the course were significantly higher or lower than expected. If scores were unusually low or high, a PCC ...
What is an acceptable score under WHS?
Under WHS, one of the key aims is to provide golfers with more opportunities to submit counting scores. Some of the factors that will mean a score is considered acceptable for handicapping purposes, as outlined in the new Rules of Handicapping, ...
How frequently is my Handicap Index updated?
The handicap calculation will take place every night at a specific time and a golfer’s new Handicap Index will be calculated ready for the following day. It is therefore important that a player submits their score as soon as possible on the day of ...
How is my Handicap Index calculated?
One of the most common questions golfers will ask each other is, “what is your handicap?” Under WHS, the way in which a handicap is calculated will change slightly, and golfers will receive a new Handicap Index. A Handicap Index is designed to ...
What is an Exceptional Score on my handicap record?
Under the World Handicapping System, an Exceptional Score relates to any Score Differential which is at least 7.0 strokes better than the player's Handicap Index at the time the round was played - Rule 5.9 A reduction for an Exceptional Score is ...