Why are ‘Playing Handicaps’ not visible on digital Scorecards?

Why are ‘Playing Handicaps’ not visible on digital Scorecards?

Playing handicaps or competition allowances aren't displayed on a digital scorecard because that card could be used across multiple competitions which could potentially generate different Playing Handicaps depending on the competition formats. 

The DigitalsScorecards show your Handicap index and Course handicap and are correct for Handicapping purposes.

The competition allowance is applied once the scorecard is submitted as that is the point it goes into the relevant competition.  The Strokes or Stableford points on display are in relation to your Course Handicap. 

This may result in a player showing less strokes/stableford points in the final results than they expected to have. This is due to the application of the competition allowance.

If a player wishes to view their Playing Handicap digitally then can view this by logging into scottishgolf.org or the club website and viewing the competition results. As soon as the scorecard is completed then they will be able to see the results. 

This will also be coming to the App in the near future. 

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