Using Cloud Based Attachments in VMS Communications

Using Cloud Based Attachments in VMS Communications

Using Cloud Based Attachments in VMS Communications

1. Navigate to Clubhouse - Communications

2. Create a communication Template or Draft in the normal manner

3. When createing your communication draft in the body of the text instead of attaching a physical attachment which would need to be stored in VMS you can insert an editable link to a an item: document, image, file etc which is stored off VMS.

4. Once the template or draft is to an acceptable standard navigate to the cloud site used to host your attachments - Example 1 - Google Pages

5. Select SHARE

6. "Copy link"

Example 2 - iCloud

7. Back in VMS Comms, select the LINK Icon

8. Insert the target link and Save

9. Click "SAVE & CONTINUE" and then complete the naming and recipient fields as normal

10. Click this dropdown.

11. Click this text field.


13. Click this dropdown.

14. Click this dropdown.

15. Click the "Member number or surname, firstname" field.

16. Type "brown"

17. Click "Brown, Alan"


19. Click this dropdown.


21. Click "OK"

22. The communication can now be sent

23. The email now has the attachment link embedded in the body of the communication

24. If any Administrator needs to see what attachments have been sent in club communications all they need to do is navigate to the SENT Items in the Communications tab and select the item


26. The link will be navigate to the stored item and if the communication needs updated then simply edit the link.

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