Updating the Hero Image on your Website

Updating the Hero Image on your Website

Updating the Hero Image on your Website

Tip! Try to follow the recommended image sizes through the process and upload jpegs.

1. Click "WEBSITE"

2. Click "View site in Administrator mode"

3. Click "Edit Page"

4. Click "Edit Hero" which will be found in the top left corner.

5. Click this File field to choose an image to upload.

6. Click "UPLOAD" once your file has been selected.

7. Do this for the Desktop image as well. Please note when an image has successfully been uploaded you will see the "Successfully uploaded" banner in green.

8. Once the image has been uploaded in both places, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "CREATE NEW"

9. You'll then see your image has been added to the other Hero images.

10. Click "Done Editing"

11. You'll then see the image scrolling through your Hero Banner.

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