Updating a players profile from Single Payment to a Payment schedule.

Updating a players profile from Single Payment to a Payment schedule.

1. Navigate to https://live.clubhouse.scottishgolf.org/TabMember.aspx?MemberId=1013

2. Go to the player's profile and Click "Membership"

3. Click this dropdown to change the players default settings. This will mean you don't need to do this in future.

4. Click Save Changes.

5. Click "Subscriptions" to view the invoice.

6. Click on the invoice that you wish to apply the payment schedule too.

7. You can see this invoice is defaulted to Single Payment as that is what was set in my profile when the invoice was created.

8. Click this dropdown to apply a payment schedule to the invoice.

9. Once your preferred payment schedule is selected you will then be able to set the instalment dates and view a preview on the left hand side. This may be useful for players joining mid year or after the 1st instalment date.

10. Please note you can edit these and change the weighting on the fee's due if you wish.

11. Click "SAVE CHANGES" to apply this to the invoice. This will automatically update the invoice and provide the option when the player pays through the websites.

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