Setting up Green Fees

Setting up Green Fees

You can set up all Green Fees within Clubhouse > Setttings > Green Fees.



Your standard green fee’s give you multiple options between 9 & 18 fees, junior and adult, as well as special weekend rates. Answering yes or no to the 5 questions below will populated a table giving you the options you need to set your green fees.



Affilate is rates for members of another affiliated Scottish Golf club and Non-Affiliate is your rate’s for causal visitors or Open Play members.


Advanced Green Fees

You can set multiple green fees including different variations of standard, advance, reciprocal fees. With Advanced green fees, you will be able to choose, more specifically, when and who these fees will apply to. You can limit by category or clubs as well as by hours or days of the week. 



If you would like the system to automatically pick up this green fee when a player or member is booking then please ensure you tick the System Calculated option when setting up the green fee.


Please note: If green fees are System Calculated, then the system will always pick up the cheapest applicable green to charge. It is important to make sure you have the correct eligibility applied to ensure players are not charged the incorrect fee. 


Members Guest Fee’s

This is how you would use the Advanced Green Fee to set up a members Guest rate:



Cart/Buggy Hire

Choose the option in your Green Fee’s for Carts to set up specific fees for buggy/carts:



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