Setting up an Open Competition

Setting up an Open Competition

1. Click this button to add a new competition

2. Give your competition a name

3. Select the format of the competition

4. Select the Tees that apply to the competition

5. Click "Affiliated Visitors" to open up the competition to players outside of your membership

6. Input the cost for entry which you can control for members and visitors.

7. Then go to the blue box on the right hand side and click "Edit"

8. You can then decide if the Entry is inclusive of the green fee for visitors entering your open. If not then they will be charged a green fee as well as the entry fee when entering the competition.


10. Click "Dashboard" so we can now enter your registration opening and closing times.

11. Click "View Registration Options"

12. Click "Edit Registration Options"

13. Click the calendar icons to input the correct entry and closing dates.

14. Click the "Allow online payments" to accept online payments.

15. Click "Save Changes" to confirm.

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