Obtaining Tee Marker Access to Another Clubs Tees - For Non Course Owning Clubs / Areas / Counties

Obtaining Tee Marker Access to Another Clubs Tees - For Non Course Owning Clubs / Areas / Counties

1. Navigate to https://live.clubhouse.scottishgolf.org/Events/Calendar.aspx

2. To gain access to a clubs tees for a competition, you must agree in advance that the club is willing to allow access. Once agreed build your competition Events as normal

3. In this example we have named the comeption "Tee Access Demo"

4. Select the Competition Format.

5. The date will default to the day you picked from the Events Calendar and then simply "Save Changes"

6. Click "Add Round"

7. Once you have added in the aditional round you will now be able to use the Markers function - Set this to "No"

8. Select "Edit" in Your Courses Only

9. The full list of courses in VMS will now appear

10. Enter the name of the ClubClick - In this example we have wat to access the tees at Windyhill GC and then select "Send Invite" - The club will now have to accept the Tee Access Request before you can add the tees to your competition

11. Now "SAVE CHANGES" at the bottom of the competition page and close the competition down. Y

12. The Host Club will receive the request in their VMS Inbox - We recommend that you contact then to highlight the request as not all clubs use VMS on a daily basis.

13. When the Tee Access Request has been Approved open the competition in the Events Calendar

14. Click "Competition Setup"

15. Click this dropdown and select "NO"

16. You will now Windyhill Tees are now available. Now Click "Select Course and Marker..."

17. Choose the tees you require Click "White"

18. YOu can now delet the additional round if it is not required - Click "Delete"

19. Click "DELETE ROUND"

20. Click "SAVE CHANGES". The competition can now be edited to include divisions, handicap restrictions etc as normal remembering to always SAVE any chnages.

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