Manually Pairing Teams in the Back Office

Manually Pairing Teams in the Back Office

1. Click "EVENTS"

2. Click on the competition in question

3. Once in the competition Dashboard you'll need to scroll down to the Players section

4. Click "Player Registration"

5. Here you will see your list of players for the competition

6. To team players up you'll need to click on the "Team" option on the far right. Click "Team" on the first player.

7. Click "Select" on the player you wish to pair with. This will then move them to a combined team below your player list. Repeat for teams of 2.

8. You can use this process to make teams of 3 and 4 as well.

9. Click "Team" on another player in the player list

10. This time click "Select" on a pre-made team to add that player to the team.

11. You'll then see that player added in. Repeat this process to make a team of 4.

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