1. Click "SCORES"
2. Click this dropdown and switch the mode to 'Four Ball'
3. A new scoring display will then appear allowing you to enter both players. You can switch the Scoring Mode from Gross to Stableford.
4. Click this field and search for player 1
5. Click this field and search for player 2
6. You'll also be able to change the date of play and the markers used if needed by clicking on the appropriate drop downs. You can also see the players Handicap index and Course Handicap.
7. Add the hole-by-hole better-ball stableford points team score along the middle row of scoring. You then check the top or bottom row to show which team member contributed the score on each hole.
8. If the hole score is picked up (started but not completed) both players will have the same score of 0 pts (Hole 6)
9. If both team members holed out and contributed the same score both rows may be checked (Hole 10).
10. Click save to see a confirmation box of eligibility and confirmation of which player now has an eligible score for handicapping purposes.
11. See the breakdown below and you are clearly told which player will have their score returned.