Linking Completed Scorecards From Counting Events to Monthly Medal Aggregate Results

Linking Completed Scorecards From Counting Events to Monthly Medal Aggregate Results

The system allows submitted scorecards to be linked to aggregate results to generate the best of specific number of counting competition over a specific period.  IN the following example the club wanted to establish the best 4 from 5 scores for their monthly medals.  The first step is to create a competition template in the events calendar and add in all counting rounds in the round date section.  Set the results report options: gross, nett etc and then select the best of section.

The below example is a best of 3 rounds from 4

Once the rounds have been added follow the below steps to link the comleted scorecards from each relevant day,

2. Once the Aggregate Competition has been established you can then Link the counting scorecards to the season aggregate using BULK CARD ADMIN - Click "BULK CARD ADMIN"

3. Using the Calendar, select the date of this fist counting event.

4. The event was held on 30th March 2025

5. You will now see all scorecards that were returned on that date - NOTE - this will also include non-competition scorecards so firstly select ALL - check box highlighted below.

6. Once all cards have been selected the tick box is highlighted - Then uncheck any scorecards that you don't want added to your aggregate competition.

7. Now you are ready to add the scorecards to your Aggregate event - Click "ADD TO COMPETITION"

8. You will now see all competitions that were held on 30 March 2024 - Select as per the below image (Not sure at this time why there are 2 of these but will investigate and get back to you - both work as it turns out.

9. Click this button field.

10. Once the Scorecards have been added to thew Aggregate event the cards cards will show as below - you can now close this screen.

11. To check the score have beem added to the Aggregate Click "EVENTS"

12. Click "2024 Monthly Medal Aggregate Results"

13. Click "Results Report"

14. Click the "Accumulative" field.

15. Click this button.

16. Step

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