Kiosk set up & configuration

Kiosk set up & configuration

Setting Up Your Scottish Golf VMS Scoring Kiosk


The DotGolf VMS still provides players the option to generate and enter scores via the clubhouse kiosk (iPad).  Unlike the previous system, the present option is housed as a URL and therefore can be created and operated from any web linked device.


Initial Set Up

Whilst you will be able to set up the Kiosk with any back office log in it is heavily recommended that you create a Kiosk profile within the Users section of the Clubhouse. To do this go to Clubhouse > Settings > Users and click on Create New User. We’d recommend creating a limited user profile which still has access to scores ticking on the below permissions:


You are now able to begin the set up process on your iPad / terminal / touch screen.


1.     If you are using the SG iPad, open a web page in the browser and type in the following web address:


2.     This will take you to the kiosk login page




3.     Enter your kiosk login and password which takes you to the following page where you will name your kiosk location. Select from the drop down or Add New Identity.



4.     When adding a new identity save as [‘Club Name’] Kiosk.



5.     Your Kiosk is now ready for use and should display as below:



6.     Players are now be able to Generate a Score Card for either a competition or a general play score.


7.     If they want to Get a Score Card, select





8.     You will then be asked to provide your Membership Number (CDH) and then select the tees you wish to play from



9.     In this example Yellow Markers were selected and then the card will be generated when Create Card appears on the net screen



10.  The card is now available on the players phone or a score can be entered in the Kiosk at the end of the round. 



11.  Once the round has been completed, the score can be entered using the Kiosk – Select Enter Score and then either input your CDH/Membership number or the card number which should be visible in your App (if you opted to generate a Digital Card).



12.  Enter the score card number, in this case 58 which will produce the card for completion.







13.  Once the hole scores have been entered and the player is content, they are correct select the Save button to complete the process



14.  The last screen will request that finished be selected. – Job done!



15.  If a score card has to be entered in the back office this is done through Clubhouse / Scores and then enter the players scorecard number, in this case its 58.



16.  Populate the scorecard as below and save.  This will then complete the process using the back-office function




If the Kiosk is needing reset or refreshed:


·      Use the process at the beginning of this guide ensuring that the unit is powered up and has internet connection.

·      Refresh the webpage which will take you back to the home page of the kiosk.

·      Or click on the icon on the top left of your kiosk screen which will give you the option to ‘reload Kiosk’.


You also have access to Kiosk settings within the back office within Clubhouse > Settings where you can add in notes that display within the Kiosk as well as manage a few other settings so please look at the Kiosk Settings when setting up your Kiosk.




How to lock your device to the Kiosk


If you are using an iPad for your kiosk you will be able to make use of Apple’s Guided Access. This allows you to grey out actionable buttons on the iPads screen ensure players aren’t able to divert from the Kiosk Web Page. Once you turn Guided Access on, you will be able to action it by tapping the home button 3 times.


Here are instructions on how to set this up:


Here is a video of the process:


Please ensure you remember your Pin when activating Guided Access and this will not be recoverable by Scottish Golf.


Any issue please contact and one the team will do their best to help you.

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