Invoicing for outstanding Items

Invoicing for outstanding Items

1. Click "Membership" on the player in question.

2. You'll easily be able to see any unbilled items for the current Subscription period. Below you can see "Subscriptions' have been left unbilled.

3. See the total unbilled total.

4. Click "Subscriptions " to begin creating an invoice for these unbilled items. Please note the £0.00 in that tab to indicate that no money is currently owed.

5. Click this button.

6. You'll then see the total amount you are creating an invoice for.

7. Click "CREATE INVOICE" once you have selected the correct Payment Schedule.


9. Click "Member Details"

10. You'll now see that the "Subscriptions" tab shows  "£750.00".

11. Click on this tab and you'll see that the statement now indicates that this player owes money.

12. Click on the created invoice number "11291920"

13. You'll then be able to view/print the invoice or enter a manual payment against it. Any outstanding invoices will be viewable and payable for players who log into or the integrated club websites.

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