How to unassign your EposNow license so you can access your till on different devices

How to unassign your EposNow license so you can access your till on different devices

1. Navigate to

2. In your EposNow back office, click into the SETUP section.

3. Click the "Locations" dropdown

4. Click "Locations & Devices"

5. You'll then see all your various locations. You may only have one option here, click into 'Show Devices'

6. You'll see all your registered licenses here. Again you may only have on but you will likely see this is already assigned to a device. Click this 'UNASSIGN LICENSE' button.

7. You will now see that the license is unassigned from it's previous device. You will now be able to assign it to your device (Till/Computer/iPad) by logging into the Till.

Alert: Please Remember that the original device will now be locked out from your till license. In this is a till it may cause problems for the next person logging in. If you are only moving the license temporarily then please be sure to unassign the license once you are finished. This will allow the till to pick the license up next time it is used.

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