How to Set Up Multi or Mixed Tee Marker Competition Allowing Players to Select Their Tee Marker at Score Card Generation

How to Set Up Multi or Mixed Tee Marker Competition Allowing Players to Select Their Tee Marker at Score Card Generation

1. Navigate to

2. Set up the competition in the normal manner and then Click here to select the Tee Markers

3. Click "All Markers" - This will then make all Tee Markers available for selection on the day of the competition


5. Score Card Generation - When the player generates their score card on the day of the competition they can select whatever Tee Marker that they wish to play from.

6. To Manually select the Tee Markers for players Click this dropdown.

7. Once you have selected the relevant tee markers - in this case Mens White, Click this checkbox to alloctae this to the player. repeat this step for all players using the Mens White tee markers.

8. Click this checkbox.

9. Then Click "GENERATE CARDS"

10. Click this button field.

11. Repeat this process for all other players.

12. We will now allocate the Mens Yellow for the last player and Click this checkbox.


14. To confirm that the correct tee markers have been generated you can check this by viewing the generated cards in Scorecards Click "SCORECARDS"

15. Select the Date the cards were generated for using the calendar.

16. The Tee Markers are displayed as shown below

17. Results Report - The system automatically calculates the handicap for each player using course rating minus par and where appropriate players will either receive additional strokes dependent upon that formula.

This is fully explained in the Rules of Handicapping , Rule 6.2.b.i- please see the link below.

Link to Rules of Handicapping: print ready congu 19_02_2024.pdf

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