How to Publish an Open Competitions to SG Website for Non VMS using clubs

How to Publish an Open Competitions to SG Website for Non VMS using clubs

How to Publish an Open Competitions to SG Website for Non VMS using clubs

1. Navigate to

2. Click "EVENTS"

3. Select the date of the Open Competition

4. On the specific date, select "New"

5. Enter the name of the competition - "Open Comp Test"

6. Click this text field.

7. Select the competition format and save!

8. Set the times of the competition

9. Set the Competition Playing Division by selecting "Add Division"

10. Select the Competition Course and Tee Markers by Clicking "Default Markers"

11. Click "White"

12. As it is an Open remember to select "Affiliated Visitors"

13. Enter the entry fee

14. Type " [[Backspace]] 20"

15. In More Details, enter all relevant competition terms and conditions as these are published on the Scottish Golf website within the competition profile

16. Click "SAVE CHANGES"

17. The competition is now established, you now need to set the dates that players can register to play

18. Click "View Registration Options"

19. Click "Edit Registration Options" and set the dates and times that you wish players to be able to register for the competition

20. Click this image.

21. Click "Next"

22. Click "1"

23. Click this text field.

24. Click this image.

25. Click "1"

26. Set the closing date and time for entry

27. Click the "Allow online payments" field.

28. Click this button.

29. You now need to make sure that the relevant booking links are set in your Clubhouse Settings - Click "SETTINGS"

30. Click "Club Settings"

31. Enter you club booking portal information in Tee Bookings. Once added and saved you sholud now be able to see your event on the Scottish Golf Opens Page of the National website

32. Click here.