2. To view completed orders click on ORDERS on the top right.
3. Click "COMPLETE" to view all completed orders
4. You'll then see a list of all the completed orders from the till.
5. Click on the order you wish to refund and then click on the REFUND button.
6. Click "SELECT REFUND REASON" for the product.
7. Click "Not Suitable" or the relevant reason. These can be controlled in the EPOSNOW back office. If you have multiple items to refund then you will need to select a reason for each item.
8. If its the same refund reason for each of the items in the order then click on APPLY ALL, otherwise click DONE.
9. Click "DOTGOLF" as this was the method used for payement.
10. You'll be taken to the players account and you'll see the amount to pay for the player is in the negative, indicating that the account will be credited.
11. Click "OK" to finalise the refund.