How To Hide Till Function Buttons on your EPOSNow Till to Allow the Display of your DotGolf Button

How To Hide Till Function Buttons on your EPOSNow Till to Allow the Display of your DotGolf Button

1. Navigate to you EPOSNow Back Office Platform

2. To ensure that your till DotGolf Button is front and centre after your integration, you have the option to remove function buttons from the default till display. To do this, select Back Office, Manage, Staff

3. Click "Staff Roles"

4. The Staff roles in this example, Manager is where you can make the desired changes. - Select Edit

5. Then from the list of available functions in the Manager profile you can deselect the function buttons that you don't want displayed.

6. Remember to click UPDATE to save your new settings

7. Your DotGolf button is now on your main till display. Now all staff who have the Mangers profile will see the below button options. Repeat this process for all staff profiles.

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