How to Enter a Multi Day One Round Competition

How to Enter a Multi Day One Round Competition

1\. In the Events tab of your Scottish Golf App you will see all available club competitions that are open for registration. This example will cover "Belleisle 4", a Multi Day, Single Round Competition. All days of the competition are listed in the Events tab

2\. To Regsiter for Belleisle 4, simply press "Select" on any of the days listed. THis will then highlight all days where play is possible and add these to the Shopping Cart at the top (Apple image shown below)

3\. You will then be taken to the booking where you can either simply confirm your booking or you can add playing partners.

4\. If you are happy to proceed, select "Continue to Payment" to complete your competition registration

5\. You will now see "Belleisle 4" in your "Bookings"tab on your App Dashboard. On the day you wish to play, simply select that day, and you will be given the option to Generate a Scorecard. Once selected, your Scorecard will be generated and can be actovate in your Scorecard tab.

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