How to Create and Send Tee Sheet Notifications

How to Create and Send Tee Sheet Notifications

1\. Navigate to

2\. Click this link.

3\. Click "Print Sheet"

4\. Click this button. You can tehn download the tee sheet printout and save to you pc.


6\. Click "DRAFTS"

7\. Chose the template you require and Click "EDIT"

8\. YOu can construct the content as normal of just move straight to Click "SAVE & CONTINUE"

9\. Click this file field. Select the tee sheet file you previously saved

10\. Click this button to attach the file to the email draft

11\. Click this dropdown and select the appropriate option

12\. Click this text field and add in the subject.

13\. Click this dropdown to chose the recipients - in this case it will be members who are booked onto the tee sheet for 28 August 2023

14\. Chose from the dropdown menus including setting the date and time fields that cover the tee sheet you are sending, and then "ADD Recipients"


16\. Click "OK"

17\. Click this dropdown.


19\. Click "OK" and then from Drafts then send the email - You can test it first by sending it to yourself.

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