How to Create a Zone Draw Competition

How to Create a Zone Draw Competition

Please note that this functionality is aimed for single round competitions. 

1. Set up your competition profile.

2. Select your competition formats and complete the competition profile as normal, selecting the correct markers, rounds, entry fee etc.

3. You should see a "Competition Zone" section within the competition profile

4. Click "Add Competition Zone"

5. This will add a competition zone as you can see below. Click on "Add Competition Zone" to continue adding as many Zones as you need.

6. Once you have enough zones, you can then begin editing the time of the various competition zones.

7. Once you have set your zone times, you can then add in the number of players you want to allow to enter each zone.

8. Click "SAVE CHANGES" when you are finished.

9. Remember to always open your Registration for players to be able to enter.

10. Now you'll need to create your Draw Sheet. Click on 'Create Sheet'.

11. Click this button and Create New Draw.

12. Configure your Draw sheet as you need it.

13. Click this button.

14. Then you'll need to scroll to the bottom and click this button.

15. Now Players will be able to enter your competition. From the website they will be able to select their preferred Tee time during their entry.

16. And they will be given the same option within the My Scottish Golf App.

17. They can then choose their preferred Zone and see how many places are available.

18. And complete the event entry as normal.

19. When players enter, you will be able to see them within the back office. Click on Draw from your competition profile. Your entrants will appear on the left side.

20. You can then populate the draw using the below drop down.

21. And order the placement of players in each zone through a variety of options.

22. Click this button to generate the draw.

23. Players will then automatically be added into the draw.

24. Click this button to save your draw.

25. Click "Settings" on the draw to publish this to the Tee Sheet.

26. You can then click on Print Draw to preview the draw and share with your membership. Or you can click the "Publish to booking sheet at Kotarana (TEST) Golf Club." field to publish it to your Tee Sheet.

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