How to commercialise your communications

How to commercialise your communications

The communication tab opens up a variety of advertising opportunities for your Golf Club. Either increasing value to your current club sponsors or sell advertising space to local business with your clubs emails to members. A lot of companies use these kind of ad placements to grow their own revenue streams but we are giving you the opportunity to do this. 

Within your communications tab you have the ability to design each communication as you wish, adding in additional banners and images. This is valuable space that a lot of companies sell to external companies and you are now able to do the same. 

Here is an example Tournament communication with 2 external advertising banners attached (Highlighted in Green):

You are able to place the companies website or specific sign up/booking page (via a URL) behind the image which means when a player clicks on the banner, they will be taken directly to that external company. 

This is a great way to add value to existing sponsors or even offer as an upgrade to current sponsorship packages as a direct way to market to your club membership. 

This also is of incredible value to local companies who may wish to advertise to your members and should give you the tools to negotiated new advertising deals. 

Measuring email engagement within the DotGolf platform

You can easily measure your engagement of every email within the reports section of your Communications tab, as well as your unsubscribed members:

You'll also be able to click into the blue highlighted numbers to get a report on which emails received it,  opened it or which emails bounced. 

Additional Tools to show ROI

There are also additional tools like that offer additional tracking of click-through's which allows you to show a return on investment to these companies. This should help you showcase how valuable these advertising spots are and encourage and grow your sponsorship deals. Read more on tracking links here:

Best Practise (Important)

Please note that there are some important things to consider when opening your communications to advertising from external companies. 
  1. It is your membership. Members will be able to unsubscribe from communications so if you include too many sponsors or send out too many emails players may decide to unsubscribe. 
  2. Know your Open Rates and Click throughs are what companies use to gauge engagement and how successful their ad spent will be. The higher the open rates/click throughs the more valuable the space.
  3. Sending out loads of emails that remain unopened are likely going to end up in Spam filters.
  4. It is also recommended that you review current Marketing and Advertising Law:

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