Generate a report for category member counts

Generate a report for category member counts

1. Navigate to

2. Click "REPORTS"

3. Click "Category Member Counts (simple)"

4. Click this button.

5. This will give you a report of members by individual category.

6. You'll easily be able to see the category totals and breakdown of numbers in each category. You can click on the blue figures to see a breakdown of the players in these categories.

7. Click "REPORTS"

8. Click "Category Member Count" Report if you want to be able to add in a start date to track member movements from xx/xx/23.

9. Put the date you want (usually the start of your membership year)

10. For example we will select the 1st of January.

11. You can also filter this specifically by individual categories if needed.

12. Click Preview and you will see your member category totals with the + or - movements since the date you inserted above.

13. You'll then clearly be able to see the overall numbers and the movement within each category.

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