Creating & Sending an Email Communication

Creating & Sending an Email Communication

1 Select the communications tab in your VMS profile and select send Email



2 Chose a template



3 Name the Draft and then select Next



4 You are then able to build your email.  By clicking and dragging on the items in the toolbar you can build the content – add images, text or a combination of both



5 In the below image I have add Full Width Text


To edit the content select.


6 This will then allow you to edit the content and once complete select Update



7 You can now Test send the draft by selecting Test EmailYou will be asked to add a recipient – add yourself and then you can review the email in your inbox.



8. If you are happy with how the email looks then you can set it up to be sent to your desired recipients. You can start adding in the Subject details and add a file at this stage if you desire


9 To add Recipients, select from the dropdown menu








10  Select from the list

11 In this image Members – By Category has been selected which will then allow you to select which membership categories to send the email to


12 Once you have select your chosen recipients it will form a list of the intended recipients. You then need to click on the ADD RECIPIENTS button to create the mailing list from the chosen list.


13. You will also be able to publish your communication straight to your VMS club website (if you have one) by ticking on the Publish to Club Website button and choosing it’s destination.


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