Payment Schedules

Payment Schedules

!Please note that for custom schedules you need to change the subscription date that the payment schedule applies to (Step 7) before running your yearly subscriptions!

1\. Navigate to

2\. Click "SETTINGS"

3\. Click "Payment Schedules"

4\. Click this dropdown to select a previously made payment schedule

5\. Click "CREATE NEW" if you wish to create a new schedule.

6\. Fill in the below fields. Please note that the Subscription Period is not Cyclical and you should change this to one of your subscription years.

7\. We have changed this to relate to this years financial year.

8\. Click "ADD INSTALMENT" to begin setting up your installments.

9\. Click this dropdown to choose between a fixed amount or percentage.

10\. You can then customise the percantage or amount you wish to apply.

11\. Here I am front loading this schedule and going to change this first payment to 40% so players pay 40%, 20%, 20%, 10% & 10% over the 5 months.

12\. You then need to put in where these payments are on fixed dates or calculated from the invoice date. If the payment schedule is 5 months from the invoice date then you would put "0 month" for the 1st month, "1 month" for the 2nd month, "2 months" for the 3rd etc.

13\. Click "SAVE CHANGES" when ready.

14\. This will now appear within your payment schedule drop downs for you to use or edit in future.

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