Create Age divisions within your Competition

Create Age divisions within your Competition

1. Go to the Competition tab in your DotGolf platform.

2. Go the the competition in question.

3. Go to the Divisions section of your competition profile.

4. Click "Add Division"

5. You'll then be able to enter the criteria for the first division (Age or Handicap).

6. Click "Add Division" to add another division.

7. You'll see the system pre-populates the From field so the divisions don't overlap.

8. Important! Please ensure your division range is going to cover all competitors. If a competitior falls out with the age or handicap division they will not be able to create a card for the competition.

9. If you need to set different markers for the divisions then you can do this via the below drop down.

10. When you are ready to save, click save changes.

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