2. Click "SETTINGS"
3. Click "Subscription Dates"
4. Ensure you add a new year to cover your upcoming subscription period.
5. Save your new subscription year.
6. Now you'll want to add the subscription items to each membership category for your new year. Click "CLUBHOUSE".
7. Click "SETTINGS"
8. Click "Categories"
9. Click this dropdown and select a membership category.
10. Scroll down to the subscription section.
11. Click this dropdown.
12. Select the new subscription year you have just created.
13. Click "Copy items from 2023/24" to pull through the subscriptions items you'd assigned last year.
14. You can then edit the cost for these items if required.
15. Once completed, click on Save to confirm your changes. This means when you assign members this category for the new subscription year the platform will charge the new cost instead of the previous one.
16. You'll then need to do this for all your membership categories.