Bulk Update Member Categories

Bulk Update Member Categories

Alert! Please be aware we need to remove the Subscription module for you to be able to do this. If you need to do this then please contact vms@scottishgolf.org so we can correctly configure your platform for this action.

1. Click "MEMBERS"

2. Search for all your members.

3. At the bottom of your member list you will see a Bulk Admin option.

4. Click on the members who you wish to bulk move , or click the highlighted box to select all.

5. Click this button when ready.

6. You'll then be taken to a page with some further options.

7. To bulk move membership categories then you should click on 'Update Category'

8. You'll now see a list of all your selected members. There is an update all option which is highlighted below if you wish to move everyone to a single category.

9. Or you can do this individually through the drop downs next to the players.

10. When ready to make the change, click this button.

11. Please note if it is a large number your web browser may produce a Time-out error. Please refresh your page and your changes should have been saved regardless of the time out error.

12. Once complete please let us know so we can reactivate your Subscription tab.

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