Bulk Generating your Tee Sheets

Bulk Generating your Tee Sheets

1. Click "TEE BOOKING"


3. Click this dropdown to see a list of your previously made templates. If you have not already made a template then please do this via the "Templates" tab.

4. Click the chosen template from the drop down and then click on "Select Template"

5. Choose the days you wish to apply this template

6. You can now choose the dates you wish to create the template between. Please be careful when doing this as you can not bulk delete templates. If you have made a mistake then you will need to delete the applied template on each day during this timeframe.

7. Once you are happy you can then click on "Next".

8. The platform will check this isn't overwriting any previously made templates or bookings. If it is then you will not be able to bulk generate the tee sheets. Click on "Proceed".

9. You will be given a warning about the bulk creation, click ok if you are confident you have set the template correctly. This will then take you to the below page which confirms that your tee sheets have been created successfully.

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