1. Within your Tee Sheet, click on the highlight icon below
2. Click "Edit Timesheet"
3. Scroll down the page to see all of your tee times. You'll see the 3 highlighted boxes. Untick the "Book on Internet" field if you wish players not to be able to book via app or website.
4. Untick the "Book on Kiosk" field to stop players being able to book via the kiosk.
5. Click this button to save your changes.
6. If you are looking to do this in bulk then you can click "Select"
7. Scroll down to the last tee time you want to change and hit "Shift" on your keyboard and Click "Select"
8. This will then highlight all the tee times in that range.
9. When you then make a change on one of the tee times, it will make a change on all of the tee times.
10. Remember to save your changes when you are happy to.